The ART of LOOKiNG at LiFE by Anton K
It’s all about the art of looking at life around us, via art, design, photography and writing.
This website is a work in progress providing regular features full of hopefully helpful, happy, interesting, inspirational, educational, creative, comical, historical, philosophical and positive content to you, about a diverse range of topics about our past, present and future in our Universe.
What the World needs now is more good news to balance the barrage of bad news bombarding the majority of the media. The ratio of good and bad news needs to be better balanced for the health of our mind, body and soul. ~ Anton K
“Happiness is the art of looking at life” ~ Anton K.
The domain name was registered in 2003, then lay in limbo for over 8 years until it was launched on the weird and wonderful World Wide Web in 2012, with the associated domain name . The official launch of the website was on the day of the 1st AntonK Blog post on the 1st April 2012. and is created in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
See 40 hours of Anton K‘s drawing and painting of the cover of Fats Wah Wah‘s Surfs Up in Gembrook CD album cover all happen in 2 minutes…