Category Archives: ART NEWS

MONET’S GARDEN Exhibition ~ The Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris

Claude Monets Garden Exhibition Musée Marmottan Monet Paris NGV National Gallery Victoria Melbourne 2013 purple water lillies plants painting
Claude Monet’s Garden Exhibition ~ The Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris @ NGV: National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne 2013

MONET’S GARDEN ExhibitionThe Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris

“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.” ~ Claude Monet

Monet’s Garden is a stunning exhibition (closing soon) devoted to Claude Monet’s iconic garden at Giverny. Claude Monet is renowned as Continue reading MONET’S GARDEN Exhibition ~ The Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris

The AUSTRALiAN ART SHOW by Expertise Events ~ Melbourne & Sydney

Experience Australian Art Show 2013 Artists exhibition fair paintings drawings artworks canvas framed abstract pop realism Melbourne Sydney
Experience the Australian Art Show 2013 in Melbourne & Sydney

The 1st AUSTRALiAN ART SHOW by Expertise Events ~ Melbourne & Sydney

~ August & October 2013 ~

The Australian Art Show is a brand-new event to provide an opportunity for art-minded people to get together in a friendly creative atmosphere, to foster growth of all facets of the arts and the public’s interest in them. This inaugural art show event has been created by Continue reading The AUSTRALiAN ART SHOW by Expertise Events ~ Melbourne & Sydney

The Reflection Imitation Experience MiSSiON AUSTRALiA ART EXHiBiTiON & AUCTiON 2013

Mission Australia Art Exhibition Auction 2013 studio artist paintings artwork Ringwood
Art Exhibition / Auction hosted by Mission Australia 2013 ~ Art auction proceeds go to CFA: Warrandyte Fire Brigade

The Reflection Imitation Experience ART EXHiBiTiON & AUCTiON 2013 

Mission Australia is hosting an Art Exhibition with art entries based on Continue reading The Reflection Imitation Experience MiSSiON AUSTRALiA ART EXHiBiTiON & AUCTiON 2013

Artscape: The A to Z of CONTEMPORARY ART ~ ABC Arts 2013

The A to Z of Contemporary Art Andrew Frost ABC TV show artscape program guide series 2013
The A to Z of Contemporary Art presented by Andrew Frost on ABC TV ~ June 2013

Artscape: The A to Z of CONTEMPORARY ART

The A to Z of Contemporary Art is a new 2 part art series presented by Andrew Frost on ABC TV, starting on Tuesday 11th June 2013. The series is a bluffer’s guide to contemporary art, covering everything from artists and galleries to Continue reading Artscape: The A to Z of CONTEMPORARY ART ~ ABC Arts 2013

SiLVER K GALLERY ~ The ART of RiNGO STARR & Images of the Beatles

Silver K website home rock’n’roll photography Ringo Starr knot for violence guns art exhibition 2013
The Silver K Gallery ~ website, your home for rock’n’roll photography, featuring the art of Ringo Starr exhibition 2013

SiLVER K GALLERY ~ The ART of RiNGO STARR & Images of the Beatles

Congratulations to the Silver K Gallery with their popular and successful Ringo Starr exhibition that started on Saturday 16th February, and finishes today on Sunday 28th April. Ringo Starr made a guest appearance at Silver K Gallery to meet fans and Continue reading SiLVER K GALLERY ~ The ART of RiNGO STARR & Images of the Beatles


Hugo Weaving winning 2013 Archibald Prize acrylic portrait painting by Del Kathryn Barton holding cat colour leaves
The winning 2013 Archibald Prize portrait painting of Hugo Weaving by Del Kathryn Barton (Acrylic painting)

Del Kathryn Barton won the Archibald Prize for 2013, with her portrait of actor Hugo Weaving. The announcement was made on Friday 22nd March 2013, at the Art Gallery of NSW





Kunsthal museum Rotterdam Netherlands art exhibition dutch cafe man on roof sculpture stolen paintings Picasso Monet photo by Wikifrits
The Kunsthal Museum in Rotterdam, Netherlands from where the paintings were stolen (photo by Wikifrits)

::ART NEWS:: Tuesday 16th October 2012

Seven paintings were stolen from the Kunsthal Museum in Rotterdam, Netherlands on the 16th October 2012. The paintings included were by Monet, Picasso, Gauguin, Matisse, De Haan and Freud. The theft occurred around 3am while the Kunsthal Museum was showing avant-garde art work by more than 150 artists from the Triton Foundation, during their 20th anniversary celebrations. Even though the alarms were activated, the art thieves had left the premises by the time police arrived. According to Rotterdam police, “The alarm system in the Kunsthal is supposed to be state of the art”. The director of the Art Loss Register suspects that the most valuable paintings that were stolen could be worth hundreds of millions of euros if legally sold at an auction. The paintings have since been registered as stolen on their database.

RENOiR PAiNTiNG WORTH $100000 FOUND For $7 At Flea Market

Renoir's Paysage Bords de Seine painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir  French impressionism Virginia flea market $50 Potomack auction gold frame river flowers trees art
Paysage Bords de Seine painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French impressionist, at Virginia flea market for $50, and valued at up to $100,000 by Potomack for auction

A painting bought at a flea market in the US for $7, turned out to be a rare artwork by French Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, valued at up to $100,000. The rare painting was bought by a woman at a Virginia flea market, as part of a box lot that also included a plastic cow and doll. Later she took the painting to a Virginia auction house, where experts confirmed it was Renoir’s Paysage Bords de Seine (Landscape on the Banks of the Seine), a river scene from about 1879, and believed to be originally bought from a Paris gallery in 1926. The oil painting was done on a linen napkin, allegedly for Renoir’s mistress. Continue reading RENOiR PAiNTiNG WORTH $100000 FOUND For $7 At Flea Market