“Sunset for Yunupingu” who passed away soon after the sun set in this photo on Sunday 2nd June 2013 ~ photo by Anton K. Kressnig
Note: Due to the respect for the family and Aboriginal tradition, the full name of the deceased will not be displayed during the first 12 months from the date of death. M. Yunupingu the lead singer from the great Aussie rock band YOTHU YiNDi passed away on Sunday 2nd June 2013, aged 56 years. M. Yunupingu was the 1st Continue reading YOTHU YiNDi LEAD SiNGER M. YUNUPiNGU DiED→
www.LoveYourSister.org ~ the official website for the Unicycle World Record attempt by Samuel Johnson for Breast Cancer Research, for the love of his sister (website screen March 2013)
UNiCYCLE WORLD RECORD Attempt by SAMUEL JOHNSON to raise over $1 Million for Breast Cancer Research for the love of his dying sister Connie
Have a happy Australia Day (Middle Creek, Victoria, Australia photo by Anton K. Kressnig)
“Happy AUSTRALiA DAY to ALL the good people LiViNG iN AUSTRALiA, and thoughts of those past who made the great land downunder HOME, including the first Europeans that settled here on this day 225 years ago, and the abORIGINAL AUSTRALIANS who have lived in Australia for 50,000 years.” ~ Anton K
Google’s tribute to Australia Day on the 26th January 2013
Australia Day is the official national day of Australia, celebrated annually on the 26th January to commemorate the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in New South Wales in 1788, then known as New Holland. Australia Day was first celebrated unofficially on the 26th January 1808, with the first official celebration in 1818, with the formation of New South Wales.
Today Australia Day is an official public holiday in every state and territory of Australia, and first marked by the presentation of the Australian of the Year Awards on the eve of Australia Day (25th January). The Governor-General and Prime Minister of Australia announce and address the Australia Day Honours List. Australia Day is also celebrated with citizenship ceremonies, concerts and community festivals, which has made it become the biggest annual civic event in Australia.
2014 AUTUMN EASTER CONFEST: Thursday 17th to Tuesday 22nd April 2014. At The Woorooma ConFest site on Edward River, east of Moulameinin New South Wales, Australia.
2013 / 2014 SUMMER NEW YEAR’S CONFEST: CANCELLED:iMPORTANT NOTE (Update: September 2013): The members of the volunteer based Co-op have found it necessary to postpone the Summer New Years festival for Monday 30th December 2013 to Sunday 5th January 2014, in order to allow time for them to meet with the requirements of a new permit. The decision was made at the Down To Earth (DTE) general meeting on the 19th September 2013 to cancel summer ConFest. The difficult decision was voted on by all members present because of a number of reasons relating to Conargo Shire council and RFS (RURAL Fire Service NSW) compliance requirements, due to large Australian fires causing councils and fire services country wide to tighten up on compliance issues. The DTE Board felt that it would be fair to cancel in September rather than continue promoting Summer ConFest with a high risk of cancelling the festival only a few weeks before it was due to start. Read more here. Continue reading CONFEST Summer New Year & Autumn Easter Festival 2013 / 2014→