The ART of LOOKiNG at LiFE travelling

T  h  e   W  O  R  L  D 

Welcome to this inspirational place in the World for photography, illustrations, information, reviews and stories about WORLD TRAVEL, and appreciating all the amazing places on PLANET EARTH. This is just the beginning of a trip of a lifetime, a work in progress. Please join me on this virtual journey of adventure and discovery of our great globe. ~ Anton K. Kressnig 
The snow falling over the World month by month in a year…

Blue Marble monthlies animation gif World Earth
The Blue Marble monthlies animation gif

The best way to virtually travel the whole World is with GOOGLE EARTH. It’s the world’s geographic information at the click of your mouse. Let your fingers do the walking, and take a virtual journey to amazing locations in the world.

NASA is best known for their studies of space, but fewer people know that NASA also studies Planet Earth. For over 50 years, NASA has been a world leader in space-based studies of Planet Earth, also known as the Blue Marble. Also see NASA Global Maps.

The Blue Marble Planet Earth World space Apollo 17 view from space moon trip Antarctica south pole Africa 1972 Nasa
View of Planet Earth as seen by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the moon on the 7th December 1972. This translunar coast photograph includes the Mediterranean Sea, Antarctica south polar ice cap, Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar and Asian mainland on the northeast horizon. (NASA Photo)

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"Peace and happiness is all in the art of looking at life" ~ Anton K

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