GOOD FRiDAY iN MELBOURNE is best known for the GOOD FRiDAY APPEAL, an annual fundraising activity to raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital. The appeal now regularly raises over $15 million each year. Individuals and businesses, clubs, schools and country towns throughout the state of Victoria conduct activities to raise money for the Hospital. The Appeal is a non-political, non-denominational organisation that exists solely to financially support The Royal Children’s Hospital.
Sunrise TV:
The Appeal started in 1931 when some groups of journalists from The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd organised a sporting carnival in aid of Melbourne hospitals. The proceeds from the appeal originally went to different hospitals, but from the 3rd year proceeds went exclusively to the Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital. In 1942, Sir Keith Murdoch (Managing Director and Editor of The Herald) agreed that The Herald and radio station 3DB (now known as MIX 101.1) should broadcast an all day appeal on Good Friday. In 1957, Channel 7 joined the appeal and presented a 3 hour telethon on the afternoons of Good Friday. In 1960, the telethon became an all day event, which continues annually to this day.
Channel Seven – RCH Good Friday Appeal: Peter Mitchell 2013 Promo video…
During the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, the telethon was also re-broadcast through regional Victoria via local channels, with Prime Television being the sole regional broadcaster from 1992. The Good Friday Appeal is now held at Melbourne’s Etihad Stadium where Channel 7, 3AW and Magic 1278 all conduct their day’s broadcasting.
GOOD FRiDAY APPEAL MONEY RAiSED in the last 8 years:
- 2006 = $10,200,000
- 2007 = $11,788,970
- 2008 = $12,482,380
- 2009 = $13,862,734
- 2010 = $14,462,000
- 2011 = $15,156,000
- 2012 = $15,820,640
- 2013 = $16,405,534
Please help the ROYAL CHiLDREN’S HOSPiTAL with the GOOD FRiDAY APPEAL & like on Facebook: www.facebook.com/RCHgoodFridayAppeal & follow on Twitter.com/RCHappeal

I would to know what each town raised for R C H could this be published in Herald sun Regards P janetzki Murtoa