Harrison Craig the 18 year old teen from Melbourne won The Voice 2013, after he won the hearts of the coaches and the Australian public, as he showed Australia that having a stutter when he talks would not stop him from singing to win the title tonight. Craig also won $100,000, a recording contract and a car.
Absolutely 80s is not a tribute band show, it’s dinky di Aussie 80s idols performing in the ultimate 80s reunion show, with the best of Australia’s 80s stars sharing the stage in one rocking all eighties show. Relive the era of frizzy perms, bubble gum jeans and all Absolutely 80s Aussie music hits with the fantastic road show born from the Countdown Spectacular of 2006. Absolutely 80s is a 2 hour jam packed show with a bunch of Continue reading ABSOLUTELY 80s Live Shows 2013 ~ 2014→
Love Your Mind ~ Love Your Body ~ Love Your Spirit
The Mind Body Spirit Festival has new experiences, ideas and products for your health, physical and mental wellbeing. Try yoga, find the latest Continue reading MiND BODY SPiRiT FESTiVAL→
“Sunset for Yunupingu” who passed away soon after the sun set in this photo on Sunday 2nd June 2013 ~ photo by Anton K. Kressnig
Note: Due to the respect for the family and Aboriginal tradition, the full name of the deceased will not be displayed during the first 12 months from the date of death. M. Yunupingu the lead singer from the great Aussie rock band YOTHU YiNDi passed away on Sunday 2nd June 2013, aged 56 years. M. Yunupingu was the 1st Continue reading YOTHU YiNDi LEAD SiNGER M. YUNUPiNGU DiED→
Wishing You a Wonderful Winter ~ skiing snowman on the Summit of Mount Buller, Victoria, Australia (photo by Anton K. Kressnig)
WiSHiNG You A WONDERFUL WiNTER for the start of the 2013 SKi SEASON in the Southern Hemisphere in 2013. Winter arrived this week on Saturday 1st June 2013, as all the ski resorts prepare for a sensational season of snow for skiers and snowboarders.