1613 – Christoph Bach the German pianist was born on the 19th April 1613 (died 1661).
1734 – Karl von Ordóñez the Austrian composer was born on the 19th April 1734 (died 1786).
1770 ~ CAPTAiN JAMES COOK sighted the eastern coast of Australia on the 19th April 1770. Point Hicks is where the continent of Australia was first sighted by the men on Captain Cook‘s Endeavour voyage. Captain James Cook records that it was Lieutenant Zachary Hickes who first saw land, and James Cook named the point after him.
1770 – Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI on the 19th April 1770, in a proxy wedding.
1885 – Karl Tarvas the Estonian architect was born on the 19th April 1885 (died 1975).
1895 ~ Anton Pieck the Dutch painter, artist and graphic artist was born on the 19th April 1895 (died 24th November 1987).
1897 – Léo Taxil exposed his own fabrications concerning Freemasonry on the 19th April 1897.
1897 – Peter de Noronha the Indian businessman and philanthropist was born on the 19th April 1897 (died 1970).
1903 – Eliot Ness the American lawman was born on the 19th April 1903 (died 1957).
1927 ~ MAE WEST was sentenced to 10 days in jail for obscenity for her play Sex on the 19th April 1927.
1927 – Kenneth the American hairdresser was born on the 19th April 1927 (died 2013).
1928 – The 125th and final fascicle of the Oxford English Dictionary was published on the 19th April 1928.
1928 – Alexis Korner the French-English singer-songwriter and guitarist from Blues Incorporated and Collective Consciousness Society was born on the 19th April 1928 (died 1984).
1930 ~ DiCK SARGENT the American actor was born on the 19th April 1930 (died 1994).
1932 – Fernando Botero the Colombian painter and sculptor was born on the 19th April 1932.
1933 – Jayne Mansfield the American model, actress, and singer was born on the 19th April 1933 (died 1967).
1934 – Dickie Goodman the American record producer was born on the 19th April 1934 (died 1989).
1935 ~ DUDLEY MOORE the English actor, comedian and composer was born on the 19th April 1935 (died 2002).
1942 – Alan Price the English keyboard player from The Animals was born on the 19th April 1942.
1942 – Bas Jan Ader the Dutch-American photographer and director was born on the 19th April 1942 (died 1975).
1943 ~ BiCYCLE DAY as it is now known, originated on the day that Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann deliberately took LSD for the first time on the 19th April 1943.
1943 – Eve Graham the Scottish singer from The New Seekers was born on the 19th April 1943.
1944 – Bernie Worrell the American keyboardist from Parliament-Funkadelic was born on the 19th April 194.
1947 – Mark Volman the American singer-songwriter and guitarist from The Turtles, Flo & Eddie and The Mothers of Invention was born on the 19th April 1947.
1948 – Burma joined the United Nations on the 19th April 1948.
1949 – Paloma Picasso the French-Spanish fashion designer was born on the 19th April 1949.
1953 ~ RUBY WAX the American comedian was born on the 19th April 1953.
1956 – Actress Grace Kelly married Prince Rainier of Monaco on the 19th April 1956.
1956 – Sue Barker the English tennis player and journalist was born on the 19th April 1956.
1957 – Tony Martin the English singer-songwriter from Black Sabbath was born on the 19th April 1957.
1959 – Donald Markwell the Australian sociologist and educator was born on the 19th April 1959.
1966 – Brett J. Gladman the Canadian astronomer was born on the 19th April 1966.
1969 – Jesse James the American motorcycle builder and founder of West Coast Choppers was born on the 19th April 1969.
1971 – Launch of Salyut 1, the first space station on the 19th April 1971.
1971 – Sierra Leone became a republic on the 19th April 1971, and Siaka Stevens became the president.
1975 – India‘s first satellite, Aryabhata, was launched on the 19th April 1975.
1976 – Kim Young-oh the South Korean illustrator was born on the 19th April 1976.
1978 – James Franco the American actor, director, producer and screenwriter was born on the 19th April 1978.
1978 – Amanda Sage the American-Austrian painter was born on the 19th April 1978.
1979 – Kate Hudson the American actress, singer and daughter of Goldie Hawn was born on the 19th April 1979.
1984 – Advance Australia Fair was proclaimed as Australia’s national anthem, with green and gold as the national colours on the 19th April 1984.
1985 – U.S.S.R performed nuclear tests at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalatinsk on the 19th April 1985.
1987 – The Simpsons premiered on the 19th April 1987, as a short cartoon on The Tracey Ullman Show.
1995 – Oklahoma City bombing: The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, was bombed on the 19th April 1995, killing 168 people.
1999 – The German Bundestag returned to Berlin on the 19th April 1999, the first German parliamentary body to meet there since the Reichstag was dissolved in 1933.
2011 – Fidel Castro resigned from the Communist Party of Cuba‘s central committee on the 19th April 2011, after 45 years of holding the title.
2012 ~ GREG HAM the Australian musician and songwriter from Men at Work died on the 19th day of April in 212 (b. 1953) R.i.P.
2013 – Boston Marathon bombings suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev killed in a shootout with police. His brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is captured while hiding in a boat inside a backyard in Watertown, Massachusetts.