1608 – Québec City was founded by Samuel de Champlain on the 3rd July 1608.
1767 – Adresseavisen, Norway’s oldest newspaper which is still in print, was founded and published on the 3rd July 1767.
1844 – The last pair of Great Auks was killed on the 3rd July 1844.
1884 – Dow Jones and Company published its first stock average on the 3rd July 1884.
1886 – Karl Benz officially unveilled the Benz Patent Motorwagen, for the first purpose-built automobile on the 3rd July 1886.
1886 – The New York Tribune became the 1st newspaper to use a linotype machine, eliminating typesetting by hand on the 3rd July 1886.
1938 – The Mallard locomotive set a World speed record for a steam railway locomotive in England, by reaching a speed of 126 miles per hour (203 km/h) on the 3rd July 1938.
1956 ~ Montel Williams the American television personality, radio talk show host and actor was born in Baltimore, Maryland on the 3rd July 1956. Montel Williams is best known as host of the The Montel Williams Show. Montel Williams founded the Montel Williams MS Foundation after he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. Montel Williams online: Montel Williams TVshow | Facebook.com/MontelBWilliams | LivingWellWithMontel | Facebook.com/LivingWellWithMontel | MontelMS.org | Facebook.com/MontelMS | MyHealthMaster.com | YouTube Channel| YouTube video: Montel Williams MS Foundation PSA #1…
1963 ~ Tracey Emin the British artist was born on the 3rd July 1963.
1971 ~ JULiAN ASSANGE the Australian activist best known as the editor-in-chief and founder of WikiLeaks was born on 3rd July 1971. Julian Assange was a hacker-activist in his teen years, before becoming a computer programmer, and then internationally renowned for his controversial work with www.WikiLeaks.org, which gained International attention in 2010 when, with partners in the news media, began to publish U.S. military and diplomatic documents. Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have been formally designated as “enemies of the United States” by the U.S. Defense Department. and has been subject to a European Arrest Warrant since December 2010, in response to a Swedish police request for questioning in relation to a rape and sexual assault investigation. Since the 19th June 2012, Julian Assange has been residing in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he was granted diplomatic asylum, but the British government intend to extradite him to Sweden, under that arrest warrant if he leaves the embassy. Julian fears leaving the embassy, as it may result in his subsequent extradition to the United States of America to face charges.

1988 – United States Navy warship USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf on the 3rd July 1988, killing all 290 people aboard.
2005 – Same-sex marriage in Spain became legal on the 3rd July 2005.
2013 ~ Mohamed Morsi the Egyptian 5th President of Egypt was overthrown by Egypt’s military on the 3rd July 2013, following massive protests calling for his resignation.
The latest video of Julian Assange on the WikiLeaks Channel on YouTube…
2005 – Same-sex marriage in Spain became legal on the 3rd July 2005.
Today in History for July 3rd ~ video presented by the Associated Press…