1692 ~ Bridget Bishop was the first person to go to trial in the Salem witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts on the 2nd June 1692, and fFound guilty, and was hung on the 10th June 1692.
1731 ~ MARTHA WASHiNGTON the 1st American first lady was born on the 2nd day of June in 1731 (died in 1802 aged 70).
1774 ~ WiLLiAM LAWSON the explorer of New South Wales, Australia was born on the 2nd day of June in 1774 (died in 1850 aged 76).
1896 ~ GUGLiELMO MARCONi applied for a patent for his invention of the radio on the 2nd day of June in 1896.
1909 ~ ALFRED DEAKiN became Prime Minister of Australia for the third time on the 2nd day of June in 1909.
1910 ~ CHARLES ROLLS the co-founder of Rolls-Royce Limited, became the 1st man to make a non-stop double crossing of the English Channel by plane on the 2nd day of June in 1910.
1937 ~ JiMMY JONES the American singer and songwriter was born on the 2nd day of June in 1937.
1941 ~ CHARLiE WATTS the English drummer from The ROLLiNG STONES was born on the 2nd day of June in 1941.
1953 ~ QUEEN ELiZABETH II was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories & Head of the Commonwealth on the 2nd day of June in 1953, for her coronation service, which was the first to be televised.

1956 ~ Malcolm Garrett the English graphic designer was born on the 2nd June 1956.
1960 ~ TONY HADLEY the English lead singer of SPANDAU BALLET was born on the 2nd day of June in 1960.
1965 ~ MARK WAUGH & STEVE WAUGH the Australian cricketer twins were born on the 2nd day of June in 1965.
1966 ~ SURVEYOR 1 landed in Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon, becoming the first U.S. spacecraft to soft land on another world on the 2nd day of June in 1966.
1968 ~ MERRiL BAINBRiDGE the Australian singer and songwriter was born on the 2nd June 1968 in Melbourne, Victoria. Merril Bainbridge’s debut hit single Mouth peaked at number one for 6 consecutive weeks in Australia in 1994, and top 5 hit in the United States.
Merril Bainbridge’s Mouth song from 1994 on YouTube video…Merril Bainbridge’s Under The Water song from 1995 on YouTube video…
1970 ~ B-REAL the American lead rapper of CYPRESS HiLL was born on the 2nd day of June in 1970.
2003 ~The MARS EXPRESS probe was launched for Mars, from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan on the 2nd day of June in 2003. This was Europe’s 1st voyage to another planet.
2004 ~ Ken Jennings began his 74 game winning streak on the Jeopardy! game show on the 2nd June 2004.
2013 ~ M. YUNUPiNGU the Aboriginal Australian front man of the band YOTHU YiNDi died on the 2nd June 2013 (born 17th September 1956).

Today in History for June 2nd ~ video presented by the Associated Press…