1741 ~ MARiA THERESA of AUSTRiA was crowned Queen of Hungary on the 25th day of June in 1741.
1852 ~ ANTONi GAUDí the Spanish architect was born on the 25th day of June in 1852 (d. 1926)
1903 ~ GEORGE ORWELL the British writer was born on the 25th day of June in 1903 (d. 1950)
1923 ~ HARRY SEiDLER (AC|OBE) the Australian architect was born in Vienna, Austria on the 25th day of June in 1923 (died 9th March 2006 aged 82). Harry Seidler And Associates ~ Architects & Planners ~ official website: www.seidler.net.au

1928 ~ PEYO the Belgian illustrator best known for the creation of The SMURFS was born Pierre Culliford on the 25th day of June in 1928 (died in 1992 aged 64).

1944 ~ The KRAZY KAT comic final page was published on the 25th day of June in 1944, exactly 2 months after the author George Herriman died.
1945 ~ CARLY SiMON the American singer and songwriter was born on the 25th day of June in 1945. Carly is best known for writing and performing “You’re So Vain” which was a hit song released in December 1972. Many people still think this song is about them…
1947 ~ The DiARY of a YOUNG GiRL also known as The Diary of Anne Frank was published on the 25th day of June in 1947.
1952 ~ TiM FiNN the New Zealand singer and songwriter was born on the 25th day of June in 1952.
1967 ~ OUR WORLD was the first live, international, satellite television production broadcast on the 25th day of June in 1967.
1978 ~ The RAiNBOW FLAG representing gay pride was flown for the first time in San Francisco for Gay Freedom Day Parade on the 25th day of June in 1978.
1981 ~ MiCROSOFT was restructured to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington on the 25th day of June in 1952.
1991 ~ CROATiA & SLOVENiA declared their independence from Yugoslavia on the 25th day of June in 1991.
1997 ~ The SOUFRièRE HiLLS volcano in Montserrat erupted and resulted in the death of 19 people on the 25th day of June in 1997.
2009 ~ FARRAH FAWCETT the American actress died on the 25th day of June in 2009 aged 62 (born 1947)
2009 ~ MiCHAEL JACKSON died on the 25th day of June in 2009 aged 50 (born 1958)
Today in History for June 25th ~ video presented by the Associated Press…