1523 ~ GUSTAV I Of SWEDENalso known as Gustav Vasa was crowned king of Sweden on the 6th day of June in 1523. This is the date of the NATiONAL DAY Of SWEDEN.

1683 ~ The ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM in Oxford, England, opened as the world’s 1st university museum on the 6th day of June in 1683. Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology: www.Ashmolean.org

1859 ~ QUEENSLAND was established as a separate colony from New South Wales on the 6th day of June in 1859. This date is now known as Queensland Day.
1933 ~ The 1st DRiVE-iN THEATER in the world opened in Camden, New Jersey, United States on the 6th day of June in 1933.
1936 ~ LEVi STUBBS the American musician from the The FOUR TOPS was born on the 6th day of June in 1936 (died in 2008 aged 72).
1939 ~ GARY U.S. BONDS the American musician was born on the 6th day of June in 1939.
1944 ~ EDGAR FROESE the German artist and electronic music pioneer of Tangerine Dream was born on the 6th day of June in 1944.
1952 ~ YUKiHiRO TAKAHASHi the Japanese musician and singer from the Yellow Magic Orchestra was born on the 6th day of June in 1952.
1956 ~ BJöRN BORG the Swedish former world no.1 tennis player was born on the 6th day of June in 1956.

1960 ~ STEVE VAi the American guitarist and songwriter was born on the 6th day of June in 1960. Steve Vai has sold over 15 million albums. He originally started his career as a music transcriptionist for Frank Zappa, and has won 3 Grammy Awards during his solo career.
1974 ~ UNCLE KRACKER the American musician was born on the 6th day of June in 1974.
1984 ~ TETRiS was released on the 6th day of June in 1984. Tetris is one of the best selling video games of all time.

2002 ~ A NEAR-EARTH ASTEROiD exploded over the Mediterranean Sea between Greece and Libya on the 6th day of June in 2002. The 10 meter diameter asteroid explosion known as the Eastern Mediterranean Event had a force of 26 kilotons, more powerful than the Nagasaki atomic bomb.
2011~ WORLD IPv6 DAY started on the 6th day of June in 2011. World IPv6 Day is an event sponsored and organized by the Internet Society and several large content providers to test public IPv6 deployment. World IPv6 Day was announced in January 2011 with 5 companies: Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Akamai Technologies, and Limelight Networks. The main motivation for the event was to evaluate the real world effects of the IPv6 brokenness as seen by various synthetic tests. To this end, during World IPv6 Day major web companies and other industry players enabled IPv6 on their main websites for 24 hours.
2012 ~ The TRANSiT Of VENUS occurred on the 6th day of June in 2002. It will not be seen again until 2117. The transit of Venus happens every 243 years when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth, becoming visible against the Sun from Earth.

Today in History for June 6th ~ video presented by the Associated Press…