1770 – James Bruce discovered what he believed to be the source of the Nile on the 14th November 1770.
1889 – Nellie Bly (aka Elizabeth Cochrane) the pioneering female journalist began a successful attempt to travel around the world in less than 80 days on the 14th November 1889. She completed the trip in 72 days.
1910 – Eugene Burton Ely the American aviator performed the 1st take off from a ship on the 14th November 1910. He took off from a makeshift deck on the USS Birmingham in a Curtiss pusher on Hampton Roads in Virginia.
1916 – The Battle of the Somme ended during World War I on the 14th November 1916.
1918 – Czechoslovakia became a republic on the 14th November 1918.
1922 – The BBC began radio service in the United Kingdom on the 14th November 1922.
1952 – New Musical Express published 1st regular UK Singles Chart on the 14th November 1952.
1967 – Theodore Maiman the American physicist was given a patent for his ruby laser systems, the world’s 1st laser, on the 14th November 1967.
1969 – Apollo 12 the 2nd crewed mission to the surface of the Moon was launched by NASA on the 14th November 1969.
1970 – Soviet Union entered ICAO on the 14th November 1970, making Russian the 4th official language of organization.
1971 – Mariner 9 entered orbit around Mars on the 14th November 1971.
1973 – Princess Anne married Captain Mark Phillips in Westminster Abbey on the 14th November 1973.
2003 – 90377 Sedna, a Trans-Neptunian object was discovered on the 14th November 2003, by astronomers Michael E. Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David L. Rabinowitz.
2012 ~ A TOTAL SOLAR ECLiPSE took place in Far North Queensland in Australia on the 14th November 2012, where big crowds lined the beaches and hillside lookouts. A partial eclipse was experienced in all of eastern Australia. This was the 1st total solar eclipse in Australia since 2002, the next will not be until 2028. See the List of solar eclipses in the 21st century

This Day in History for November 14th ~ video presented by www.History.com