1493 – Christopher Columbus went ashore on an island he named San Juan Bautista (now Puerto Rico) on the 19th November 1493.
1916 – Samuel Goldwyn and Edgar Selwyn established Goldwyn Pictures on the 19th November 1916.
1936 – Dick Cavett the American talk show host was born on the 19th November 1936.
1942 – Calvin Klein the American fashion designer and founder of Calvin Klein Inc. was born on the 19th November 1942.
1961 – Meg Ryan the American actress and producer was born on the 19th November 1961.
1962 – Jodie Foster the American actress, director, and producer was born on the 19th November 1962.
1969 – Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean landed at Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) on the 19th November 1969, becoming the 3rd and 4th humans to walk on the Moon.
1969 – Pelé scored his 1,000th goal on the 19th November 1969.
1976 ~ Storm Boy the Australian film based on the book by Colin Thiele, about a boy and his pelican, was released on the 19th November 1976. Storm Boy aka Mike played by Greg Rowe, likes to wander alone along the fierce deserted coast of South Australia’s Coorong, where he lives a reclusive life among the sand dunes with his father, on the Southern Ocean. After a pelican mother is shot, Storm Boy rescues 3 chicks, naming them Mr Proud, Mr Ponder and Mr Percival, His father aka Hideaway Tom, makes Storm Boy to release the birds, but Mr Percival returns, and they form a special bond, along with is the Aboriginal friend Fingerbone Bill (David Gulpilil) who named him Storm Boy. YouTube video (first 10 minutes of movie)…
1977 ~ Kristian Ayre the Canadian actor was born on the 19th November 1977.
1988 – Rhys Wakefield the Australian actor was born on the 19th November 1988.
1989 ~ John McCarthy the Australian footballer from Port Adelaide Football Club was born on the 19th November 1989 9 (died 9th September 2012 aged 22). John McCarthy also played for the Collingwood Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). John McCarthy came from a family of VFL and AFL footballers, including his brother and father who played for Geelong, and his grandfather who played for St Kilda.

1990 – Milli Vanilli were stripped of their Grammy Award on the 19th November 1990, because the duo did not sing at all on the Girl You Know It’s True album.
1998 – The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee began impeachment hearings against U.S. President Bill Clinton on the 19th November 1998, in the Lewinsky scandal.
1998 – Vincent van Gogh‘s Portrait of the Artist Without Beard sold at auction for US$71.5 million on the 19th November 1998.
1999 – The People’s Republic of China launched its first Shenzhou spacecraft.
Visit this day: 19th November in history and see the video at www.History.com