1642 – Abel Tasman became the 1st European to discover the island Van Diemen’s Land on the 24th November 1642, which is now known as Tasmania.
1849 – Frances Hodgson Burnett the English-American playwright and author was born on on the 24th November 1849 (died 1924 aged 74). Frances Hodgson Burnett was best known for her children’s stories, Little Lord Fauntleroy (1885), A Little Princess (1905), and The Secret Garden (1911).
1859 – Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species on the 24th November 1859. This date is sometimes called “Evolution Day”.
1864 – Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec the French painter was born on on the 24th November 1864 (d. 1901).
1876 – Walter Burley Griffin the American architect that designed Canberra was born on on the 24th November 1876 (d. 1937).
1888 – Dale Carnegie the American author was born on on the 24th November 1886 (d. 1955).
1912 – Barbara Sheldon the American actress was born on on the 24th November 1912 (d. 2007).
1932 – In Washington, D.C., the FBI Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory (now known as the FBI Crime Lab) officially opened on the 24th November 1932.
1942 – Billy Connolly the Scottish comedian, actor, and singer was born on on the 24th November 1942.
1944 – Bev Bevan the English drummer from the Electric Light Orchestra was born on on the 24th November 1944.
1946 – Ted Bundy the American serial killer was born on on the 24th November 1946 (d. 1989).
1949 – Shane Bourne the Australian comedian and actor was born on on the 24th November 1949.
1950 – The “Storm of the Century“, a violent snowstorm took shape on the 24th November 1950.
1955 – Ian Botham the England cricketer was born on on the 24th November 1955.
1962 – The influential British satirical television programme That Was The Week That Was was 1st broadcast on the 24th November 1962.
1962 – Tracey Wickham the Australian swimmer was born on on the 24th November 1962.
1963 – Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby in the basement of Dallas police department headquarters on the 24th November 1963. The shooting happened to be broadcast live on television.
1969 – The Apollo 12 command module splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean on the 24th November 1969, ending the 2nd manned mission to land on the Moon.
1970 ~ Tilly Devine the English-Australian prominent Sydney crime syndicate gangs member figure died on the 24th November 1970 aged 70 (born 8th September 1900). Tilly was involved in sly-grog, razor gangs and other activities, but most notable as a madam.
1971 – During a severe thunderstorm over Washington state, a hijacker calling himself Dan Cooper (AKA D. B. Cooper) parachuted from a Northwest Orient Airlines plane on the 24th November 1971, with $200,000 in ransom money. He was never found.
1973 – A national speed limit was imposed on the Autobahn in Germany on the 24th November 1973, because of the 1973 oil crisis. The speed limit lasted only 4 months.
1974 – Donald Johanson and Tom Gray discovered the Australopithecus afarensis skeleton, nicknamed “Lucy” on the 24th November 1974, in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia‘s Afar Depression.
1978 – Katherine Heigl the American actress and producer was born on the 24th November 1978.
1994 ~ Reece Mastin the British-Australian singer-songwriter was born in Scunthorpe, England on the 24th November 1994. Reece Mastin is notable for being the winner of the 3rd series of The X Factor (Australia) in 2011. Reece Mastin’s oficial website: www.ReeceMastinOfficial.com | Facebook verified Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ReeceMastinOfficial | Twitter verified account: www.twitter.com/ReeceMastin | instagram: www.instagram.com/ReeceMastinOfficial | Google Plus | YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/ReeceMastinTV
2012 ~ The GANGNAM STYLE music video by PSY became the World’s most watched video on YouTube on the 24th November 2012, after surpassing Baby by Justin Bieber.

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