Welcome to my new blog category: “ON MY MiND”. The following is a brief introduction to some of the subjects that I’ll be expanding upon during my journey of looking at life, and sharing what’s on my mind. ~ Anton K (Sunday 24th February 2013)
I have something to share with all you good people, who are battling with the negativity of the people and environment around us. The regular HAPPiNESS i’m finally feeling right now, as some of you following me on Facebook may have noticed from my regular positive posts, which unfortunately doesn’t make bullies and haters happy, is eventually possible, and i hope is contagious.
LiFE is finally consistently good now, after the big ups and downs and darkness of life known as mental illness, because now i can see the light brighter than i’ve ever seen before, especially after receiving some very encouraging news on Thursday about my dream career path and life goal coming into fruition. I think i’ve finally mastered the art of commitment, and discipline, as it’s now paying off, and i’m flattered to see my unconventional life journey has started to be used by a therapist to encourage others who are struggling in life, to understand the art of looking at life.
Taking a good hard honest look at my non-perfect self, and all my actions both good and bad, and how it contributes to those around me, woke me up. Self monitoring my moods and mastering management of myself divulged great information, and has put me completely on track for the first time in my life, after a very eclectic career and life path that was a rocky road riddled with excitement, achievement, devastation, danger and failure.
“I’ve searched high and low for HAPPiNESS, and never really found it until i hit rock bottom, and I looked up!” ~ Anton K
Finally learning the art of LESS iS MORE, I focused on passion and purpose of life, listening to my heart and soul, which is intended to be beneficial to others in an empathetic, creative and unconditional way. I dumped jealousy, and disposed of the angry man inside me a long time ago, to free my soul from sadness and hate, which elevated my spirit. Don’t let the hate, jealousy and anger within people win, fight it with persistent positivity and happiness, by looking for the beauty in life. Start by stopping that negative thought, and try to spread some extra love in your life from today!
~ Love & peace from Anton K. Kressnig ♥♪♫
“Happiness can also be found under the rainbow” ~ Anton K

Visit www.BeyondBlue.org.au if you or someone you know has issues associated with depression, anxiety and related disorders in Australia.
I love this: “Happiness can also be found under the rainbow” ~ Anton K