Artscape: The A to Z of CONTEMPORARY ART
The A to Z of Contemporary Art is a new 2 part art series presented by Andrew Frost on ABC TV, starting on Tuesday 11th June 2013. The series is a bluffer’s guide to contemporary art, covering everything from artists and galleries to new media, history and theory, featuring Australian and international art.
Artscape: Trailer: The A to Z of Contemporary Art, screens 10pm Tues. 11 and 18 June, ABC1
A – K Episode 1: ABC1 TV: 10pm Tuesday 11th June 2013
L – Z Episode 2: ABC1 TV: 10pm Tuesday 18th June 2013
The A-Z of Contemporary Art: What is contemporary? ~ Andrew Frost
Sydney Morning Herald: ANDREW FROST offers a crash course in bluffing your way through art. Broadcaster and critic Andrew Frost presented the Bluffer’s Guide to Contemporary Art at Michael Reid Gallery from the 14th March 2013 as part of Art Month.