1452 ~ LEONARDO da ViNCi the Italian Renaissance polymath considered to be the most diversely talented person to ever live, and one of the greatest painters of all time, was born on this 15th day of April in 1452.

Leonardo was a great example of a polymath, he was a successful architect, painter, writer, cartographer, sculptor, inventor, musician, anatomist, geologist, botanist, scientist, mathematician and engineer. His genius was considered superhuman. Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519 aged 67.
1755 ~ SAMUEL JOHNSON‘s A Dictionary of the English Language was published in London on this 15th day of April in1755. Sometimes it is published as Johnson’s Dictionary, and is one of the most influential dictionaries in the history of the English language.

1912 ~ The RMS TiTANiC sank in the North Atlantic at 2:20am 100 years ago on this 15th day of April in 1912, 2.5 hours after hitting an iceberg, causing 1,517 people to die.

1933 ~ DAViD HAMiLTON the British-born French photographer, director and producer was born on this 15th day of April in 1933.
1933 ~ ELiZABETH MONTGOMERY best known as Samantha Stephens in Bewitched was born on this 15th day of April in 1933 (died 1995 aged 62)
1952 ~ KYM GYNGELL the Australian comedian best known as Col’n Carpenter in The Comedy Company was born on this 15th day of April in 1933.
1965 ~ LiNDA PERRY the lead singer of 4 NON BLONDES was born on this 15th day of April in 1965.
1966 ~ SAMANTHA FOX the buxom English model, singer, and actress was born on this 15th day of April in 1966.
1990 ~ EMMA WATSON the English actress best known as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter was born on this 15th day of April in 1990. Emma Watson official website: www.EmmaWatson.com Verified Twitter: Twitter.com/EmWatson & Verified Facebook: www.facebook.com/EmmaWatson

2013 ~ The BOSTON MARATHON BOMBiNGS occurred during the Boston Marathon on the 15th April 2013, when 2 bombs exploded at 2:49 p.m.(EDT), killing 3 people and injuring 282 others. The bombs exploded near the finish line on Boylston Street, Boston. The Federal Bureau of Investigation took over the investigation, and asked the public for assistance on the 18th April, before and after releasing photographs and videos of the 2 suspects. The 2 men identified as brothers that day with help from the public, were Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.