Dr Phil has changed the rules for life, because the game of life has changed, so it’s time to throw out the old rule book and start studying the new one! Dr. Phil’s new book, Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World, tells you the ugly truth about the users, abusers and other “bad guys” in your life, and reveals the secrets of how they think and how they could exploit YOU!! in this great new book…

Dr. Phil’s Rule Book for a Changing World – Oprah’s Lifeclass – Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube video: Parents know best, or do they? Watch as Dr. Phil, author of Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World, explains how the world has evolved since he was a boy and shares ways to prepare yourself, and your children for the challenges that lie ahead. Dr. Phil also shares his definition of a BAITER: a person who is a Backstabber, an Abuser, an Imposter, a Taker, an Exploiter and/or Reckless. www.Oprah.com/OprahsLifeclass
“It’s time to learn how the world really works, not how you wish it worked, not how it should work, but how it really works. If you’ve been doing everything by the book, and your life still isn’t where you want it be, you’ve been reading the wrong book.” ~ Dr Phil
Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World will empower you to become a leader of your own life, and just as importantly, protect yourself and those you love.
Dr Phil joins The Doctors with the new rules for winning in the real world…
“Life is a game, and you will either be a player or be the one played… Yesterday’s rules and expectations about relationships, emotions and interacting just simply don’t apply any more, not like they used to… and those who figure that out and adapt to the current world will have an incredible edge.” ~ Dr. Phil

The Life Code book will create an urgent awareness within readers, and help them become street-smart and savvy. Life Code offers readers a rare glimpse inside the minds of “bad guys” we all have in our lives, in the form of a “Secret Playbook,” that spells out exactly how the users, abusers and exploiters think and act. It also reveals the “Sweet 16” powerful tools that the world’s most successful people know and use on a daily basis to get what they want and keep it. Read an Excerpt from Life Code
Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World – Part 2 – Dr. Phil (YouTube video)…
Among other Life Code lessons, you will also learn to:
- Accept that “life is a game” and decide whether you want to play or be played.
- Identify the BAITERs = Backstabbers, Abusers, Imposters, Takers, Exploiters and Reckless people, through the “Evil Eight” Identifiers.
- Evaluate how well this full-contact sport known as life is being played and learn the steps, traits and techniques necessary to win at everything, every day.
- Recognize that much of life is a negotiation, and learn to successfully negotiate across all areas; work, marriage and family.
- Adopt a new “Life Code” by operating from a winner’s playbook with the most competitive tactics, the “Sweet 16” for winning in the real world.
- Implement the new “Life Code” and learn how it not only applies to them, but also to their family and their role as parents.
Dr. Phil McGraw, 6-time New York Times #1 best-selling author abandons traditional thinking and tells you the ugly truth about the users, abusers, and bad guys in our lives in his latest book “Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World.” ~ The Book Nook Books YouTube video…

In the Life Code TV episode about the book on the Dr.Phil Show, meet Peter and Kay.. Peter admits to lying and manipulating to get women into bed and says he’s the ultimate womanizer. Kay says when she first met Peter online, she thought she had found her Prince Charming but soon ended up played and betrayed.. Kay is just one of the many victims she says Peter has left in his wake. What signs did she miss?.. Dr. Phil explains the “EViL EiGHT” which identifies characteristics that YOU should always look out for.
Dr. Phil McGraw tells USA TODAY‘s Jefferson Graham why his new book, Life Code, is bypassing the retail book store as an online exclusive, on USA TODAY’s Talking Your Tech show (video)…
Also meet Kelly, she says her identical twin sister Kat is out to destroy her life. Kelly says Kat has sued her, drugged her and tried to get her arrested, among other shocking allegations!!.. yet she still wants a relationship with her twin sister. Kat says Kelly’s claims are nothing but lies, and she’s tired of her sister always playing the victim. When the twins’ family members weigh in, will Kat fess up to any shady behavior?.. Don’t miss the “NEFARiOUS 15” tactics from the Evil Eight’s playbook, which you are going to want to know about!.. and, learn the “SWEET 16”, which is what successful people consistently do for winning in the real world. If you’re ready to win big and be the star in your own life, read this book! Life Code by Dr Phil McGraw: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World
Dr. Phil discusses how to spot a cheater, and tells us the B in BAiTERs stands for Backstabber! …and what’s a cheater but someone who stabs you in the back?.. Dr Phil details how you can spot and avoid those people, behind the scenes on this Katie Couric YouTube Video…

A companion DVD, Beyond Life Code, is also available, in which Dr. Phil himself gives the reader an in-depth look into how the information within the pages of Life Code can be applied to everyday life, by the way of examples. Life Code is published by Dr. Phil’s son, Jay McGraw’s, publishing company, Bird Street Books, and can be purchased through their online bookstore TheBookNook.com
- ISBN: 978-0-9854627-3-4
- Format: Hardcover
- Publisher: Bird Street Books
- Publication Date: November 13, 2012
- Pages: 244
- The BOOK NOOK: www.TheBookNook.com/Life-Code-Book
- AMAZON: www.Amazon.com/Life-Code-Rules-Winning-World
- BARNES & NOBLE: www.BarnesAndNoble.com/w/Life-Code-Phillip-McGraw
- ANGUS & ROBERTSON (Australia): www.AngusRobertson.com.au/book/life-code
- iTUNES: www.itunes.apple.com/us/book/life-code
- WALMART: www.Walmart.com/ip/Life-Code-The-New-Rules-for-Winning-in-the-Real-World
- OPRAH: www.Oprah.com/oprahs-lifeclass/Read-an-Excerpt-Life-Code-by-Dr-Phil-McGraw Read Excerpt of Life Code by Dr. Phil McGraw: A Behind-the-Scenes Introduction
- KATiE COURiC: “Life Code: The New Rules For Winning In The Real World” Web Exclusive: An excerpt from “Life Code Chapter 4: Pages 105-108
- THE DOCTORS TV: Dr.Phil’s Life Code: Get what you want, keep what you get Show Synopsis
- GOOD READS.com: Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World
- HUFFiNGTON POST.com: Dr. Phil, ‘Life Code’ Author, On How To Cut Toxic People – Called ‘BAITERs’ – From Your Life (also contains video)
- TODAY.com: Dr. Phil shares his ‘Life Code’ for success in the real world
- USA TODAY.com: Talking Your Tech | Dr. Phil
- NBC NEWS TODAY: Dr. Phil shares his ‘Life Code’ for success in the real world
- YAHOO NEWS: Dr. Phil: How To Spot Bad People And How To Win In Your Life (video)
- FORBES.com: Dr. Phil: Be Accountable For Your Own Life
- WEBSiTE: www.DrPhil.com
- FACEBOOK: www.Facebook.com/DrPhilShow (verified account)
- TWiTTER: www.Twitter.com/DrPhil (verified account)
- YOUTUBE: www.YouTube.com/user/DrPhilShow (official channel)
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