Make a PROMiSE to yourself & HELP others!.. PromiseOrPay.com
The end is near!.. that time of year is near again, with the NEW YEAR to quit bad habits, start good habits and set goals for those things you dream of doing or buying!.. Are you making New Year’s resolutions for 2014?.. here’s a novel new way of making those personal promises become possible…
The aim of Promise Or Pay is to motivate people to do the things they really want to do with their lives, in an empowering commitment combination of social motivation and a charitable pledge all in one, with the hope of changing the world for the common good of all.
A small promise can make a HUGE difference!
Promise or Pay is an innovative platform that motivates people to do the things they most want to do with their lives, while creating a more engaging, personal and empowering way for individuals to donate to charities that are making a real difference in the world. YouTube video…
HOW TO MAKE iT HAPPEN with PromiseOrPay.com:
- 1. MAKE A PROMISE: Promise to do something, anything big or small, such as give up smoking, save more money, or climb Mount Everest!
- 2. SELECT A CHARITY: Choose one of the great partner charities to pledge your donation to if you break your promise.
- 3. PLEDGE AN AMOUNT: How much money are you willing to pledge to charity if you fail your promise?
- 4. SHARE YOUR PROMISE: Tell others about your promise to increase your chances of keeping it.
Another year passes YouTube video: Promise or Pay re-energises New Years Resolutions by not only increasing the likelihood that you will follow through on your self-improvement commitments but also giving you the opportunity to make positive changes in the lives of others…
- Website: www.PromiseOrPay.com
- Facebook: www.Facebook.com/PromiseOrPay
- Twitter: www.Twitter.com/PromiseOrPay
- YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/PromiseOrPayChannel
Hula-Hub.com: Promise or pay up (by bcanales 22 Oct 2013) I can’t count how many times I’ve heard myself say “wouldn’t it be great if…” and then doing nothing about it. It’s a habit of mine to think up ways to improve my life and sometimes even to change the world for the better. Unfortunately, it’s also a habit of mine to not follow through with any of them… read more
ABC News: Promise or Pay (27 Dec 2013) Promise or Pay Founder Jay Boolkin chats with Nicole Chettle on The Midday Report…
Jay Boolkin is the founder and CEO of Promise or Pay. When Jay Boolkin realised that sticking to self-improvement commitments was a difficult duty, with the failure of reaching goals causing him disappointment and discouragement, he created this new approach, so others could commit to self-improvement motivated by making a public commitment, and if they failed to meet their Promise, they would then pay their pre-set amount to the charity of their choice. This simple and effective method ensures everybody wins, while participants sometimes fail attempting their quest for self-improvement, they can also feel good about making a charitable donation to those more needy.
“Making a public commitment to change is one of the most powerful tools according to motivation experts. I wanted to amplify that public promise by attaching a financial penalty for failure. But of course, it was important that whoever profited from that penalty didn’t have a vested interest in the person’s success or failure. Linking it to charity creates a great win-win situation and guarantees positive social impact, regardless of the individual outcome of each promise.” ~ Jay Boolkin
Promise or Pay hopes to help reinvigorate charitable giving and engage people not previously inclined to donating. Promise or Pay has won the Social Startups MVP Program, and was a finalist for the Sydney Genesis Entrepreneurship Challenge Best Social or Not-For-Profit Startup, and is currently 1 of only 10 startups selected to pitch at The Guardian’s Activate 2014 Tech Talent Day in Singapore in January 2014.
Promise or Pay is well suited to the New Year period when people make their New Year’s resolutions.
Jay Boolkin is also the founder and director of The Yoke Project ~ www.TheYokeProject.com
..more about Jay Boolkin @ www.about.me/JayBoolkin