1862 ~ GUSTAV KLiMT the Austrian painter and graphic artist, was born on the 14th day of July in 1862 (died in 1918 aged 55). The 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Gustav Klimt, was celebrated on Saturday 14th July 2012, with Google providing a Google Doodle dedication on the search engine homepage. “Adele Bloch-Bauer I” by Gustav Klimt is the 4th most expensive painting ever sold in the world ($135 million), as of July 2012. See the current List of most expensive paintings

1865 ~ The 1st ascent of the MATTERHORN was made by English illustrator and climber EDWARD WHYMPER on the 14th day of July in 1865.

1944 ~ Margaret Pomeranz (AM) the Australian film critic, producer and television personality was born on the 14th July 1944.
1946 ~ JOHN WOOD the Gold Logie Award winning Australian actor, best known for his role as Senior Sergeant Tom Croydon in Blue Heelers was born on the 14th day of July in 1946.
1947 ~ JOHN BLACKMAN the Australian radio and television presenter, was born on the 14th day of July in 1947. John Blackman is best known for his rich, dulcet, velvety tones in his voice-over work, as mentioned on his website: www.Blackman.com.au, and also known for his wonderful work on Hey Hey It’s Saturday from 1971 to 2010, as announcer and character voice-over as popular characters; Dickie Knee, The Angel, Doctor Ben Dover, Charlie Who, Mrs Macgillicuddy and others.

1952 ~ BOB CASALE aka BOB 2, the American guitarist in DEVO, was born on the 14th day of July in 1952.
1960 ~ KYLE GASS the American actor, singer and guitarist from TENACiOUS D, was born on the 14th day of July in 1960.
1966 ~ ELLEN REiD the Canadian pianist and vocalist from CRASH TEST DUMMiES, was born on the 14th day of July in 1966.
1966 ~ BRiAN SELZiCK the American author and illustrator, was born on the 14th day of July in 1966.
1969 ~ The UNiTED STATES $500, $1,000, $5,000 & $10,000 BiLLS were officially withdrawn from circulation on the 14th day of July in 1969.
1972 ~ DEBORAH MAiLMAN the Australian actress was born on the 14th day of July in 1972.
1987 ~ Dan Reynolds the American musician and frontman of Imagine Dragons was born on the 14th day of July in 1987.
Today in History for July 14th ~ video presented by the Associated Press…