1536 ~ KiNG HENRY VIII ordered English language Bibles to be placed in every church on the 6th day of May in 1536.
1782 ~ The Grand Palace construction began the 6th May 1782, for the royal residence of the King of Siam in Bangkok, at the command of King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke.
1835 ~ The New York Herald was published for the first time on the 6th May 1835, by James Gordon Bennett, Sr..
1840 ~ The PENNY BLACK the World’s first official adhesive postage stamp became valid for use in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on the 6th day of May in 1840.

1844 ~ The GLACiARiUM opened and became the World’s first mechanically frozen ice rink on the 6th day of May in 1844.
1856 ~ SiGMUND FREUD the Austrian psychiatrist was born on the 6th day of May in 1856 (died in 1939 aged 83)
1868 ~ GASTON LEROUX the French writer best known for writing the novel The Phantom of the Opera (Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, 1910) was born on the 6th day of May in 1868 (died in 1927 aged 58).
1877 ~ Chief Crazy Horse of the Oglala Sioux surrendered to United States troops in Nebraska on the 6th May 1877.
1889 ~ The EiFFEL TOWER was officially opened to the public at the Universal Exposition in Paris on the 6th day of May in 1889.

895 ~ RUDOLPH VALENTiNO the Italian actor was born on the 6th day of May in 1895 (died in 1926 aged 31)
1915 ~ ORSON WELLES the American film director and actor was born on the 6th day of May in 1915 (died in 1985 aged 70).
1910 ~ GEORGE V became the King of the United Kingdom upon the death of his father on the 6th day of May in 1910.
1937 ~ HiNDENBURG DiSASTER The German zeppelin Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed within a minute while attempting to dock in New Jersey, on the 6th day of May in 1937, causing 36 people to die.
1940 ~ JOHN STEiNBECK is awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Grapes of Wrath on the 6th day of May in 1940.
1945 ~ BOB SEGER the American singer/songwriter was born on the 6th day of May in 1945.
1947 ~ ALAN DALE the New Zealand actor was born on the 6th day of May in 1947.
1948 ~ MARY MacGREGOR the American singer was born on the 6th day of May in 1948. Mary MacGregor is best known for singing the 1976 song Torn Between Two Lovers…
1953 ~ TONY BLAiR the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1997–2007 was born on the 6th day of May in 1953.
1961 ~ GEORGE CLOONEY the American actor was born on the 6th day of May in 1961.
1961 ~ GiNA RiLEY the Australian actress, writer, singer and comedian was born on the 6th day of May in 1961.
1992 ~ MARLENE DiETRiCH the German actress died on the 6th day of May in 1992 aged 90.

1992 ~ iNTERNATiONAL NO DiET DAY was created by Mary Evans Young on the 6th day of May in 1992. Mary is the director of the British group “Diet Breakers”. After personally experiencing anorexia, she worked to help people appreciate themselves for what they are, and to appreciate the body they have.
2003 ~ GEOFFREY BARDON (AM) the Australian school teacher who created the Aboriginal art of the Western Desert movement died on the 6th May 2003 (born 1940). Geoff Bardon brought Australian indigenous art to the attention of the world.
2006 ~ GRANT McLENNAN the Australian singer and songwriter from The GO-BETWEENS died on the 6th day of May in 2006 aged 48.