1803 – Joseph Hansom the English architect and inventor was born on the 26th October 1803 (d. 1882). Joseph Hansom invented the Hansom cab, and was one of the founders of The Builder architectural journal in 1843.
1861 – The Pony Express officially ceased operation on the 26th October 1861.
1881 – The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place at Tombstone, Arizona on the 26th October 1881.
1865 – Benjamin Guggenheim the American businessman was born on the 26th October 1865 (d. 1912).
1883 – Napoleon Hill the American writer and philosopher was born on the 26th October 1883 (d. 1970).
1905 – Norway became independent from Sweden on the 26th October 1905.
1921 – The Chicago Theatre opened on the 26th October 1921.
1940 – The P-51 Mustang maded its maiden flight on the 26th October 1940.
1942 – Bob Hoskins the British actor was born on the 26th October 1942.
1952 – DAViD WAS from the 1980’s band Was (Not Was) was born on the 26th October 1952. Walk the Dinosaur by Was (Not Was) was a hit single in 1987, and featured on their 1988 album, What Up, Dog?
1953 – Keith Strickland the American musician from The B-52’s was born on the 26th October 1953.
1955 ~ AUSTRiA declared permanent neutrality on the 26th October 1955, after the last Allied troops left, and following the provisions of the Austrian Independence Treaty. The AUSTRiAN NATiONAL DAY is celebrated annually on the anniversary of the Declaration of Neutrality in 1955. Facebook: www.facebook.com/AustriaTravelinfo…

The Austrian Coat of arms of Austria (modified and uploaded to Wikipedia by Gryffindor, by permission from the ministry)
1956 – Rita Wilson the American actress, singer, and producer was born on the 26th October 1956.
1958 – Pan American Airways made the 1st commercial flight of the Boeing 707 from New York City to Paris, France on the 26th October 1958.
1963 – Natalie Merchant the American singer was born on the 26th October 1963.
1964 – Eric Edgar Cooke became the last person in Western Australia to be executed on the 26th October 1964.
1967 – Keith Urban the New Zealand born Australian country music singer was born on the 26th October 1967.
1973 – Seth MacFarlane the American animator was born on the 26th October 1973. Seth MacFarlane is best known as the creator of Family Guy (1999 to present) and co-creator of American Dad! (2005 to present) and The Cleveland Show (2009 to present), for which he also voices many of the shows’ various characters.
1981 – Guy Sebastian the Australian singer was born on the 26th October 1981.
1985 – The Australian government returned ownership of Uluru to the local Pitjantjatjara Aborigines on the 26th October 1985.
1992 – The London Ambulance Service was thrown into chaos after the implementation of a new CAD system (Computer Aided Dispatch system) which failed on the 26th October 1992. Media reports claimed that up to 30 people may have died as a result of the chaos.
2001 – The USA PATRiOT Act was passed into law on the 26th October 2001.
2010 ~ Downton Abbey the British period drama television series was first broadcast on the 26th September 2010. Official website: www.itv.com/DowntonAbbey | YouTube video: Downton Abbey Series 3 Trailer…
2012 ~ The DANiEL MORCOMBE FOUNDATiON held the 8th Walk for Daniel on the 26th October 2012. DAY FOR DANiEL continues to grow on a National scale, and is recognised as Australia’s largest participation event of its type. The day focuses on Child Safety Awareness. Day For Daniel is organized by Daniel’s parents Denise and Bruce Morcombe, following the tragic abduction and suspected murder of their 13 year old son Daniel in December 2003. The Daniel Morecomb Foundation’s aim is to make the world a safer place for children. Visit www.DayForDaniel.com.au for more details…

Today in History for October 26th ~ video presented by the Associated Press…