::WORLD NEWS:: 14th October 2012 :: Austria’s Felix Baumgartner landed in the history books on Sunday 14th October, after free falling for 4:20 minute, reaching a maximum of speed of 1,342.8 km/h (833mph), and breaking 3 world records while breaking the sound barrier.

BONNiE DOG ATTEMPTS WORLD RECORD JUMP On Same Day As Felix Baumgartner’s world record jump on Sunday 14th October 2012 ~ Victoria, Australia

Please visit jumping Bonnie’s webpage at Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary on Facebook & Gunyah.org because Bonnie & her furry friends need your help!
90 Second highlight video…
Felix’s Point of View from helmet cam during the Red Bull Stratos Free Fall
I’m inspired by people like Felix Baumgartner who dare to dream, and fly with a faith in themselves, with a DO rather than die thinking about it attitude ~ Anton K
Felix Baumgartner drew a picture of himself parachuting down to earth while his family watched, and gave it to his mother, when he was 5 years old in 1974. Felix’s mother handed it back to him 12 years later, when he did his first skydive on the 23rd of August 1986.

I liked Red Bull Stratos on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RedBullStratos

“Sometimes we have to get really high to see how small we are”~ Felix Baumgartner

Red Bull Stratos and Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner are on a mission to break a World record, with a 39km (128,097 ft) skydive over Roswell, New Mexico, USA.

The Red Bull Stratos: Mission To The Edge Of Space will see Felix Baumgartner ascend 39km (128,097 ft) over Roswell, New Mexico in a helium balloon, then free falling to Earth from the balloon for 5 to 6 minutes, until the parachute is pulled, and contact is made with the ground after 10 minutes. If all is successful, Felix Baumgartner will break the sound barrier, and become the first human to do so without vehicular power. A successful jump will also result in Felix breaking 3 more world records; the highest manned balloon flight, the highest altitude jump, and the longest time in free fall. The latter 2 records are held by retired United States Air Force Colonel Joe Kittinger.
See the Supersonic Freefall – Red Bull Stratos computer generated imagery video…
Red Bull Stratos and the mission to the edge of space, is attempting to transcend human limits that have existed for 50 years. Felix Baumgartner is supported by a team of experts, and plans to ascend to 120,000 feet in a stratospheric balloon, then make a freefall jump to earth at supersonic speeds, before parachuting to the ground. This mission attempt holds the potential to provide valuable medical and scientific research data for future pioneers. The Red Bull Stratos team brings consists of the leading minds in aerospace medicine, balloon fabrication, capsule creation, engineering and pressure suit development. It also includes retired United States Air Force Colonel Joseph Kittinger, who holds 3 of the records Felix Baumgartner will attempt to break. Joe Kittinger‘s record jump from 102,800 ft in 1960 was done when no one knew if a human could survive a jump from the edge of space. Joe also had taken a balloon to 97,000 feet in Project ManHigh, and survived a drogue mishap during a jump from 76,400 feet in Excelsior I. Joe’s helium balloon was launched from the back of a truck. He wore a pressurized suit in an open, unpressurized gondola. The Scientific data captured from Joe Kittinger‘s jump was shared with U.S. research personnel for development of the space program.

Visit the official website www.RedBullStratos.com
Note: Searches for Alex Baumgartner: A considerable amount of high ranking traffic started arriving at this page via searches for Alex Baumgartner, on the day of Felix Baumgartner‘s world record jump, due to an error made in the title of the main image graphic. ~ Anton K (14th October 2012)