753 BC ~ ROME was founded by ROMULUS & REMUS on this 21st day of April in 753 BC.

1838 ~ John Muir the Scottish-American environmentalist and author was born on the 21st April 1838 (died 24th December 1914 aged 76). John Muir was the founder of the Sierra Club ~ www.SierraClub.org
1910 ~ MARK TWAiN (Samuel Clemens) the American author best known for his novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer died on this 21st day of April in 1910 aged 74.
1934 ~ The LOCH NESS MONSTER‘s most famous photo was published in the Daily Mail on this 21st day of April in 1934.

1970 ~ The HUTT RiVER PROViNCE PRiNCiPALiTY was founded in Australia on this 21st day of April in 1970.
1947 ~ iGGY POP the American singer and songwriter was born on this 21st day of April in 1947.
1951 ~ TONY DANZA the American actor was born on this 21st day of April in 1951.
1958 ~ ANDiE MacDOWELL the American actress was born on this 21st day of April in 1958.
1959 ~ ROBERT SMiTH the English singer and songwriter from THE CURE was born on this 21st day of April in 1959.
1979 ~ James McAvoy the Scottish actor was born on the 21st April 1979.
1996 ~ Tavi Gevinson the American writer and editor of the online Rookie Magazine was born on the 21st April 1996. Shecame to public attention at the age of 12 because of her fashion blog Style Rookie. By the age of 15, she had shifted her focus to pop culture and feminist discussion. Tavi Gevinson is the founder and editor-in-chief of the online Rookie Magazine ~ www.RookieMag.com (Alexa ranking 63,409), aimed mostly at teenage girls. In 2011 and 2012, she appeared on the Forbes 30 Under 30 in Media list. Read a Tavi Gevinson blog post: The Art of Happiness: Why do we think being miserable is the only way to produce great art? (9 September 2013).
2007 ~ LOBBY LOYDE the Australian rock music guitarist, songwriter and producer died on this 21st day of April in 2007 aged 65.
2012 ~ CHRiSSY AMPHLETT the Australian lead singer of the rock band Divinyls died on the 21st April 2013 at the age of 53 (born on the 25th October 1959). Divinyls – Siren (1983) YouTube video